Very useful post. I'm finding a lot of testers don't do the 9 pin minatures that were introduced with color TV so they are relatively new. For the TV-7 you need the D/U. for the 752 you need the A to test 9 pins. for the 539 you need the C. the 539 tests each triode seperately so you have to test them twice. It does a lot of testing but maybe more than I need. The B&K 707 attracted my attention early and I'm glad to hear your views--from someone actualy using one he calibrated himself. Fully agree on replacing sockets, can do it but do I want to?
I've been up and down the scale on these testers a few times. Right now I'm leaning toward the 707 or the TV-7D...probalby whichever one I find first in good condition at a reasonable price.
If after using the tester a while I want more data, I can buy a high end Hickok then.