New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:



Dare I say those new Mofi speakers could be giant killers. I really liked what I heard. I think they were running off a HiFi Rose Class D integrated amp and the pairing was spot on. Meaty yet articulate with good extension. I had my sound meter app with me today while visiting all the rooms and the measurements reflected what I heard. Clean articulate bass extended pretty well down there similar to other much larger and expensive speakers heard. Big boy dynamics well ahead of many others I heard with puny drivers and way bigger price tags.

I HEARD THEM AT CAF and it’s $3699 and nothing under 10 k can touch them and only a few speakers under 20k can beat them.

They are completely amazing and outstanding, and they were hooking it up to mid level HiFi rose. Imagine what they can do hooked up to some higher end dacs and amplification. They are resolving and neutral and won’t be forgiving for lower end electronics. Even though they are only $3699 you will need at least 10-15k in electronics behind it for them to be optimized. I would try to find a luxman class A 590AXII for it or an Esoteric integrated amp. Easy to drive but revealing and I am also thinking an upper level Naim Uniti Nova would work well not the wee atom or mid level star. I would also try a Naim supernaught 3 and a Belles Audio amp from power modules would be perfect too. DAC whatever flavor you want but for the money the $2800 Luxman DAC is amazing.

very interesting choice of electronics considering they had easy access to "much better" gear...

I love it that the hobby can still get excited when a cool new product can generate positive buzz. Thats good for all. I hope they sell well.


I do find it quite interesting that there have been several comments about the Hifi Rose gear potentially holding back the speakers or “mid-fi”. Te Rose has been a welcome entrant into it price band and seems to punch above its weight class.


In fact, I recently purchased the RS150b streaming dac for my office system, expecting middling sound quality and a user friendly interface. I was floored by the dac section and the completeness of the concept. I then dropped it into my main system and again, I was left scratching my head at how they did it for the $$$. Build quality os off the hook good. Is the RS150b going to replace my $30k-ish digital front end in that system? No…but it certainly sounds terrific in the context of my office system (Shindo/Devore). 


Its wonderful that a sub $4k speaker can serve as the foundation of a sub $10-15k system…that’s a win for everyone but don’t discount that, in fact, the Hifi Rose gear also belongs in the hi-end conversation.

We’ll they are pairing with gear the Mo-Fi distributes and they sell through Music Direct. Makes total sense from a business and marketing position.