Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps

Question newbie on tube amps, why are tube amps according to people who own them say the sound is more say romantic sound vs SS amp ? 

What is better to own cost wise sound advantage single ended and push pull ?

Thanks guys excuse my inexperience on the tube issue.


Agree with @jtgofish 

Tube and SS are very different in amplifier way, so that let us understand the sound is that different. 

For me, I either go SS or go tube.

I do not want to mix different things together in one system.

I feel so happy with the tube sound, and I can continue listening over 8 hours a day.

Tube amps aren’t more romantic, unless the filament glow turns you on. Small LEDs or neon bulbs will create the same mood.


Well designed SS are superior in sound.

How can you make such a blanket statement about sound quality?   There are so many great tube amps out there that crush many a solid state amp 


Harmonic distortion. "Golden age" studio outboard has made a major comeback in the post digital era as engineers try to put back what they lost from analogue tape in terms of distortion..

Its way more complex than that but, and forgive the generalisation, but tube amps with lots of even harmonic distortion tend to sound "romantic".