New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:



😁I’ll keep my Tannoy Legacy Eatons, now priced at 6k a pair....they sound lovely driven by my Class A Sugden.



My wife wanted to take the speakers... and possibly Andrew home as he is a delight to speak with.

Yup! I am not your wife (😂🤦‍♂️), but Mr. Jones sounded like a very nice and funny dude. He was in the room demoing the new speakers himself both times I went in that room today.

@jjss49   +1   Keep it real. There a $3699 speaker made in China with a high % of Chinese made parts.

It does appear from all the people posting over on SHF that the AJ Mofi's sounded really good at CAF....and no one thought they were too bright.

I like hearing how excited listeners were to hear them...I have no fears others will purchase them because a few stated how great they sounded at a show...