New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:



I too heard then at CAF yesterday and was really impressed.  I prepare myself to be utterly disappointed by the latest hyped speaker but it was really good.  I'll reiterate what others have said - at $3.7k I have not heard anything at twice the price that would be real competition even in the compromised hotel room show setting.  The coherence and imaging were frankly spooky good and at this price point unheard of.  My wife wanted to take the speakers... and possibly Andrew home as he is a delight to speak with.  We have been looking for a logical replacement for our Reference 3A speakers in our downstairs den system and my wife most likely made that decision yesterday.

😁I’ll keep my Tannoy Legacy Eatons, now priced at 6k a pair....they sound lovely driven by my Class A Sugden.



My wife wanted to take the speakers... and possibly Andrew home as he is a delight to speak with.

Yup! I am not your wife (😂🤦‍♂️), but Mr. Jones sounded like a very nice and funny dude. He was in the room demoing the new speakers himself both times I went in that room today.

@jjss49   +1   Keep it real. There a $3699 speaker made in China with a high % of Chinese made parts.

It does appear from all the people posting over on SHF that the AJ Mofi's sounded really good at CAF....and no one thought they were too bright.