Vintage tube sound from a modern amp

I am just collecting names of makes and models of tube amps that harken back to the older classic tube sound but have modern chassis, connectors etc. Any such amps you guys enjoy?

So far names that have come up are Cary SLI series, CJ Art and classic 62/120.

Many tube companies are pushing more and more to a neutral and fast airy (thinner) sound. So its becoming increasingly difficult to find gear with that classic sound the exemplifies the beauty of music.


Thanks Jerry !  I love this thing, definitely the last stop on the amplifier merry go round for me.  Only "con" if there is one is that I'm married to high efficiency speakers for life.  I doubt I'm using a watt with most listening  so the "first watt" school of thought is really at play here. 

Matt and I discussed a preamp early into this build.  About a month after i got the amp he reached out saying he was moving forward with the project and I said I'm in.   

Toolshed and Qualiton. You guys that own these amps really think they sound like “vintage” equipment? You do know that’s not really such a good thing, don’t you? Just curious…..

That Toolshed is full of vintage parts, NOS tubes and new 300b….   This amp isn’t rolled off at either extreme but it does have a beautiful tone and sounds phenomenal,  so yeah better than “vintage” I guess

@ozzy62 that maybe the case for you. Not me. I have 3 systems in my house well 4 if I include my workshop and I have the full gambit of gear. From tubes to GaN amps. I get to enjoy it all. How about you? 

Really doesn’t matter the topology, does it sound good? That’s all that really counts