Vintage tube sound from a modern amp

I am just collecting names of makes and models of tube amps that harken back to the older classic tube sound but have modern chassis, connectors etc. Any such amps you guys enjoy?

So far names that have come up are Cary SLI series, CJ Art and classic 62/120.

Many tube companies are pushing more and more to a neutral and fast airy (thinner) sound. So its becoming increasingly difficult to find gear with that classic sound the exemplifies the beauty of music.


That VAC is desirable….   Expensive to retube , but that’s the only downside to that amp. 


Re-tubing expense is a valid point, given that it requires 4 pairs of the 300b. Fortunately 300bs are generally long lifespan tubes. It’s nice having only 1 pair in my SET amplifier.


Yes, part of the reason I went SET.    Simple , no matching tubes , auto bias is nice too.   First amp I’ve owned that I don’t have to bias.  

That amp is a mythical beast though.   One came up for sale a while back and the first thing I thought of was $$$ to retube.   

     If one seeks a warmer, more romantic (colored) presentation from the typical tube amp, whether newer or older: try NOS tubes manufactured in Britain (ie: Mullard, Brimar, Genelex) especially in the amp's early stages.

     For a sound somewhere between the cleanest and warmest: tubes from Holland and Belgium (ie: Amperex, Philips, etc) will generally do it.

     For the more dedicated tweaker: change out resistors in the signal path, for noisier/warmer types, such as carbon composition.

     Some of the oil-filled capacitors out there are quite warm, or: seek out NOS Black Cat types.    They'll warm things up also, when used as coupling caps.

      Lots of way to find a sound that sates your particular tastes, with a valve amp.

I’m going to have to say the Vincent S-332 solid state Class A/B tube hybrid power amp.  It has 150/250 wpc into 8 and 4ohms is worth a listen.  Nice warm tube sound, power meters, balanced inputs.  Pushes my Dynaudio Contour S3.4’s with ease.