Nobosound Springs

others have mentioned these on this forum and Amazon had them on sale, so I purchased 3 sets - 4 springs/set - one each for speakers and one for my VPI TT. I did the speakers first - about a week ago - could not believe the difference in sound. mids were way more clear and open. Like the instruments were hanging in the air. Bass was clean with no booming. I was able to turn the vol control from 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock.

Installed them under the TT a couple days later - did not notice a huge difference in anything, but for the price, I am fine.

I have zero interest in this company.

played D2D from Lincoln Mayorga and others, Royal Ballet from APO, Miles Davis Prestige box set, plus others. All I can say is WOW.

TT is VPI Prime, speakers are full range 8" open baffle from Decware. Amp and pre-amp are tubes from Decware. 

Just sharing - YMMV of course. 



(That Bat Signal went up...)

I've tried the nobsound springs and the Townshend  Seismic Isolation Bars under my speakers and reported on the results in other threads.

The effect of the nobsound was just as the OP described.  Opening up of the sound, more transparent sounding mids, highs, lows, speakers disappearing etc.

Ultimately I preferred the speakers without the nobsound springs, just sitting on the carpet over my wood floor.  I found the springs altered the tonality just a bit too much, robbing it of some richness, and I also lost much of the "room feel" of the sound - things sounded a bit more like listening to an electrostatic speaker and I prefer more palpable sound. 

I thought the Townshend bars might be just the ticket and indeed they changed the tonality less than the nobsound, yet I still preferred my speakers without the Townshend bars (I'm one of the very few apparently).  There was just enough of a change of tonality away from what I prefer, plus again there was more "feel" to the sound when it interacted with the floor, more density to the sound.

I'm actually going to try the Isoacoustics Gaia 2 next under my speakers.   Pretty late to that party since they've been around and raved about for years.  I did indeed buy and test the Isoacoustic pucks for under my turntable (but Townshend springs were much better there).

My hope with the Isoacoustics is that they will sort of split the difference between springs and no footers.  Springs so fully decouple the speakers from the floor the sound loses feel and density, but if there is still SOME amount of coupling to the floor but SOME increase in bass tightness/imaging etc, that might be my sweet point.  I'll see...


@prof : yes please, post an update when you get your Iso GAIAs. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

I just added Audiocrast Spring Speaker Isolation to the rubber version of the antivibration pads (blue ones).  I have my subwoofers stacked and separating the subs with  springs was a huge improvement.  The bass is tighter, deeper and can be louder with getting boomy.  I did notice that it reduces the slam so some songs aren't quite as much sheer fun but the overall sound improved.  For subwoofers they provide a great improvement / price ratio.

I had tried a few "cheaper" isolation type products from Amazon over the years, never buying them a 2nd time due to the fact I never noticed much of a difference. On a whim but mostly due to them being slightly on sale and returnable I tried the Iso Acoustic pucks between my bookshelf speakers and stands. I was definitely amazed by how much they improved sound quality. Immediately I noticed clearer voices, midrange, higher frequency's.. initially that is what I noticed instead of the lower frequency's that most people rave on about.  The freaky part was now I could turn the volume up higher than before without losing any focus or it becoming shouty. Being able to turn the knob further helped reinforce that the improvements were not all in my head.

So while I had avoided the more expensive isolation products for the longest time due to their price and my doubts,  it turned out to be one of the cheapest upgrades I've made that had a significant positive effect on sound quality. I knew I had a "little" resonance coming from between the speaker and stand but had no idea how detrimental it was to the overall sound. The pucks made me such a believer that I ended up buying the mini ones and putting them under everything. How much of a difference that made I really don't know, can't tell a difference. 

I am not affiliated with this or any product/manufacturer. 

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