
Is it better to upgrade to an ultra premium cartridge or to buy the premium records such as hot stampers and the like?


Axia to Epoch 3 is indeed a big jump, price wise. You would have to determine if your table/arm/phono could also support the improvements.


Even looking at $6k carts opens doors to a large uptick in performance imho

What table and arm are you going to put the $12000.00 Grado on?  What are the other components in your system?

I am not totally sold on the Epoch yet. I would like to see what Grado is using for a stylus. I also will not spend more than $100 for a record and I have very few 100 dollar records. 

In order to get the performance out of a great recording you need a great record playing system. I put the record and the system in two entirely separate compartments. As was said above you need both.


The cartridge depends on the tone arm and the phono stage.

Have heard the Grado Epoch 3 several times and not my cup of coffee! Very blah sounding with no life to the music, yes very nice midrange but the top end and fir that matter bottom end can't keep up with the midrange IMHO