Is it worth upgrading a CD player?

I’ve had my Marantz CD6002 for around 14 years and it’s still going strong. I have it connected to an Audiolab M-DAC+ and play via my Rega amp. I’m mostly vinyl but have started to playvmy CD’s more recently and wondered whether upgrading the CD player would be worth it or not, given the fact it’s played via a dedicated DAC. Am I right in thinking there would be little noticeable improvement?



I think that’s a good decision at this point. I don’t believe that at your current budget limit you’d achieve a “night and day “ difference. A significant improvement is possible but in my opinion would require an upper tier quality dedicated  CD transport as mentioned earlier in this discussion.


When I started this thread I was happy with my CDP, after reading these posts now I want a new one, so many good ideas.