Do speaker cables really make a difference ?

Thinking about buying a different speaker cable. Do speaker cables really make a difference?


There is only one way to find out, as I recently did for my own curiosity. Reading what others think, either for or against, about the need for "better" cables is useless. You need to make that determination yourself. Follow what I did and you will have your answer. Contact a retailer that will allow for a return within 60 days. All it will cost you is the return shipping to make your own determination. It would have cost me all of $28 + insurance to find out for myself that YES, speaker cables and interconnects do make a difference. So I kept them. I contacted a popular online retailer and asked them to ship a full set of the most recent Shunyata Venom-X cables. The first cables I swapped out were the speaker cables. I was pleasantly surprised at what I heard. I listened to a total of 10 albums between SACD and vinyl. Then I would replace another cable in my system and again listen to the same 10 albums. By the time I replaced all cables and listened to the same 10 album each time my system was truly "singing" to me. For years I have been skeptical. Now I am not. They do sound different and in my case they sound significantly better than what I was using. Total cost was in the neighborhood of $4,300. Not a lot different, if at all, than adding a new device to the system to enhance the sound. I am happy I did this little experiment.

edit: Don’t shy away from buying "open box" cables as they will be much less expensive. I did that with the Shunyata speaker cables and saved $700.

     Science loves me

         This I know

     'Cause my textbooks 

          Tell me so

        But my mind

    To my ears belongs

        They are right

  The books are wrong

   Yes: Science loves me

   Yes: Science loves me



Confirmation bias is often cited by cable deniers, yet it's rarely acknowledged in the same post or thread that this interpretation goes both ways in terms of confirming one's previous beliefs - more like "rejection bias" for the cable deniers. 

Like almost everyone on this thread, my answer would be, very much, YES. But, as usual that answer means absolutely nothing unless you hear the difference yourself, and like what you hear.

It seems to me that the key issue for anyone in your situation (and mine) is to have a nice hi fi dealer who will lend you stuff so that you can make comparisons.