How crucial is the quality of a digital cable?

I recently purchased a Cambridge Audio CX 81 integrated amp. The analog inputs sound great, but I find the internal DAC to be a disappointment. It uses the ESS Sabre ES9016K2M chip. I use a mid-level Rotel RCD 951 CD deck as a transport via the digital coax. I also hooked the deck via the analog out, just to compare. The analog interconnects are entry level AQ's. The digital coax is an Amazon purchase in the $15 range. I find the internal DAC of the 20 year old Rotel to be superior to the new AX 81, when doing an A/B.

What then confuses me is that the Blue Tooth streaming from the amp is quite good. It is HD aptX,  24-bit/84kHz capable. But, wouldn't that also go through the same internal DAC? Could it be the mediocre Amazon digital coax cable? I always assumed that digital cable quality was less significant than analog cables. Just bits and bites, right?

If someone knows of a decent digital coax for under $50, I would be very grateful. I would also appreciate any advice on an entry level power cord for the amp. Can a decent power cord be had for under $100? 



@motown-l I am not surprised by your findings at all. However in my opinion, digital cable is not your issue. The built in DAC in the integrated is the bottleneck. Think of a built in DAC in that integrated more from a convenience standpoint. It’s like a porta potty…

At this level, focus on components first, worry about cables last.

Mogami doesn’t make digital cables. My favorite is Mapleshade and I like coax more than optical.


I’m using an Audioquest Cinnamon digital cable, but they also have the Forest, which is pretty darn good as well.

All the best.

+1, @audphile1


I recommend trying DH Labs Digital Coax as your last dash to squeeze maximum potential from your existing setup. If you don’t hear appreciable improvement with this cable then it’s time to upgrade the DAC. The DH Labs cable would be a solid investment towards future DAC upgrade.