For Vandersteen owners & lovers: Which other brands do you like?

If you didn’t own Vandersteens, what would you own instead and why? Or, if you switched to another brand what did you choose?

First, let me say that I am a Vandersteen owner for 20+ years, now on my 2nd pair of the 2CE, the Signature III. I have owned other brands, and heard many others and even liked some. 😀 I don’t change gear frequently once I settle on something. Lazy & frugal = me.

I am on the verge of being on the verge of getting the Vandy Treo CT. I have auditioned them at length. I have also heard the Quatro CT and if budget allowed (including upgrading my front end) I would get them for sure. I’m not a fanboy—there is a reason why Vandersteen has sold something like 100K pairs of the 2CE. They sound very good and all of their models are a real bargain/value in their category, imo.

I have heard and liked, for different reasons, Maggies, Magicos, Harbeths, Focals, Linkwitz-Riley, and other brands. Others that I have not heard intrigue me too. I keep circling back to Vandys—maybe it’s what I have known the longest. I have flirted with the Larsen 8 or 9, which is a totally different design (AbSound has reviewed them well), and also the MBL 120 and 126 (omnidirectionals).

I know I could be happy for life with Vandersteens (Treo, Quatro, or dreaming—the Kento or 7). I am interested in detailed opinions of alternatives in the $10K range though. Thanks!


@patrickdowns ,

I am the guy who bought the Treo CT's in PA. They are replacing my non-CT Treo's. To be honest, even the non-CT version plays pretty darn close to the CT.

I also own the VLR's for my office system. I really can't understand why these little guys don't get more respect. Yes, I doubted their abilities, at first, but despite their small size, they bested a pair of Zu Omen Bookshelves by more than a mile.


Adding a sub will enhance either speaker. The new Vandy Sub 3 offers built in equalization which makes it one of the best subs out there.

As others have mentioned, even the 2wq subs are good replacements-especially if finances are an issue. They are built like tanks- even 30 year old 2w's are still working as they should. 

And, do not feel you will not be welcome at the Vandy Forum. In fact, many of those responding here are members.




Hey Bob! Congrats on the Treo CTs! I emailed the guy about them and he said he thought he had a buyer.

A few years ago I missed out on a mint, 1 year old pair on consignment at Johnny R’s Audio Connection. They were boxed and ready to ship, on a pallet. I hesitated and lost. Like-new pairs of them at a good price like you paid come up for sale very rarely, it seems. I look all the time.

I’m happy for you!


@gdnrbob That’s very interesting regarding the CT vs. non-CT Treos — I always kinda wondered about that.  Sounds like a used pair of original Treos could be quite the bargain. 

I have had 1B's, 3 models of 2's, Treo CT's and Quatro CT's. I have since moved on to DeVore O/93's. Zero bad to say about the Vandy's. Wonderful sound for decades for me. The CT upgrade was a big one. Finally, I walked into the man cave and looked at my system and realized it was time to turn it over. I went from 300 wpc monoblock based to a 25 watt tube Luxman and DeVore system. It is a hobby (for me at least). Both systems are very satisfying. The current one fits the music I am listening to very well. 


I have read very good things about the DeVores—congratulations! I love the idea of a high sensitivity >93db speaker (the Stenheim Alumine is another one that caught my eye), and pairing them with something like a Linear Tube Audio integrated amp or what you have. Something like that would be fun for a simpler 2nd system, were I that fortunate. PD

O/93 review review


Sounds like fun!

<< When I speak of blessed events one of the more sacrosanct for high-end audio lovers in the New York City area is John DeVore’s all too infrequent Monkeyhaus parties. I know, they’ve attained the status of myth. A place where rare records spin on a 50-year-old turntable playing through equally rare amplifiers and choice DeVore Fidelity loudspeakers. Where you drink, smoke cigars, talk shop, drink some more, and talk some more. A place where you listen. And listen closely. While enjoying the camaraderie of fellow music lovers. Cats roam free. Sometimes children. Sometimes wives. The only admission to Monkeyhaus is good humor and a good vinyl LP. >>

DeVore / PosFeedback