Solid state to tube

I have been a solid state guy since my start in this hobby. Over the years I have built a few systems and have used mainly older YBA seperates pre and power for my front end.

I also have a pair of musetex MT101 mono blocks from Meitner audio which I use as well.

My speakers are reference 3a lintegre

I am thinking of moving to a all tube system 

. However I have little experience

I have looked at Quick Silver and a small boutique builder called Will Vincent. Have not heard anything yet. I thought I might inquire here first for any suggestions from tube savvy members


So I bought the modwright 9.0 and hooked it up.

First impression. Wow!! I have been using the yba solid state pre and power through my reference 3a lintegrale but I always thought they lacked bass punch but the Soundstage and imaging is where they excelled.

I normally hook up my salksound SSM6's and they have better tighter bass.

With the modwright tube in the loop the reference 3a's sound much better better bass slam and same imaging.

I am liking very much what I hear.

Will try with my Salk's next.

tracks I used to test where

Dominique "Birds"

TIERNY Sutton :Big Yellow Taxi:

Yello "The Vanishing of Peter strong"

And of course Gordon Lightfoot "Early Morning Rain" 




@ecpninja So I bought the modwright 9.0 and hooked it up.

First impression. Wow!!


Nice!  Did it come with the factory supplied tubes only, or any extra tubes passed along by the prior owner to try as well?

  • Modwright: "Tube Complement: (2) 5687 driver tubes (may also use 7044/6900/7119 and equivalents)."

Some options to explore more later if desired.

They came with tubes installed I see some extra ones but not sure if they are good.


I aimed Dan  at modwright. Very impressed that he actually took the time to email back almost immediately. He mentioned a few tubes to try  here is what he said

"Hi, the SWL 9.0SE uses a 5AR4/GZ34 and two 5687's. Tung-Sol and Raytheon 5687's are some of the best. For the rectifier, a good Amperex, Brimar or other English GZ34 will sound best"

@ecpninja that's good.  I'd recommend following his advice him knowing the design and how different tubes respond.  Also good to see he recommended those particular rectifier tubes if you don't already have them installed now.