TT quandary

Currently own a VPI HW19 MK4 with TNT platter, Moerch UP4, Benz glider. I have an opportunity for a newer VPI Prime with arm and cart. Thinking the Prime has to sound better than the HW19, but maybe not. Maybe should put $ towards upgrading the HW19?  Anyone have an opinion that’s been down this road?  


What can you do to upgrade?  You have a great rig with a great tonearm.  The mk4 is pretty nice.  Can you afford to buy a prime and compare side by side?  Get a nicer phono amp?

I have a mk4 but just with a Jelco 250st arm, upgrading the tonearm would be my upgrade.


I would stay with the Moerch vs a VPI arm imho. 

What phono pre are you running?

Well. Yes, probably a significant upgrade. I owned a VPI Aries for twenty years.  It is going to sound different. I would also look at your phono stage. My turn tables out performed my phono stage until I got an Audio Research PH8 about 15 years ago.