Liquid Stylus Cleaners

I know that some of the cartridge makers, including Soundsmith, say not to use liquids and many of you don’t. From a manufacturer’s standpoint, I can definitely understand why - god only knows what some of us dopes (including myself) will be swabbing on there. I have used LP#9 after every side since 2005 when I returned to vinyl, and never had a problem. And I haven’t been surgically careful either. I do use a lighted magnifier to see what I’m doing, but I’ve brushed crap off the cantilever and never had anything migrate into the cartridge or experienced any of these horror stories I hear. So IMO at least, these warnings about liquids are somewhat exaggerated. Do you use them?



I've got a veritable circus of stylus/cartridge paraphernalia at my disposal. Depending on my mood, I might give the stylus a single back-to-front brush with a rather stiff Last Brush, or brush it with an unbranded soft brush I got with a stylus cleaning kit sometime in the distant past. I might lower the stylus onto a "Professional" battery-powered stylus cleaner, either with or without first wetting its brush with a bit of  one of the stylus-cleaning juices I keep nearby. I occasionally put a bit of StyLast lubricant on the needle. Sometimes I'll use an artists' brush to clean the detritus that collects on the cartridge body. I'll occasionally dust the turntable's platter with a soft cloth. I just don't want to embed a grain of dust or sand in the record when I clamp it down with my Belex Audio record clamp.

Usually i do dry cleaning, with manufacturer's brush (mostly), or Last's stylus cleaner brush, or onzow zerodust, what mood indicates. An artist's small brush is always good for cleaning cartridges body. Last stylus cleaner is mostly the fluid that i use after some lp sides. Clearaudio elixir of sound rarely.




I've personally found that the Last stylus cleaner really does improve the tracking.  I tried the Magic Eraser bit, but it left the stylus sounding flat, until I cleaned it with the Last stylus cleaner. 

I’ve largely avoided liquids but when I had Lyra cartridges, they promoted a liquid so I used it periodically but mainly relied on dry brushing.

I stopped using any dunk-em type cleaner- whether the Zerodust (which, to me didn’t do much more than a dry brush), Magic Eraser (which could really get the crud off) of any of the Blu-stuff that Peter L. recommends. Why?

I don’t want to unnaturally torque the cantilever assembly- that pulling down when dunking now gives me the willies. I have no anecdotal reports of mishaps, but I don’t want one either with the cost of high end cartridges today.

I dry brush using a brush with longer softer bristles than the typical stylus "pad" type brush. I did buy some AIVS liquid stylus cleaner that I’ve used once. I keep an eye on the stylus using loupes and magnifying glasses.