Tube CDP/DAC sound: too "refined"?

Hi all, this is a controversial topic and I hope I will not offend anyone: imho many tube CDPs/DACs sound too "refined", too "smooth". Sometimes I would like to hear some "texture" but this texture is being smoothed over. It's fun and beautiful to listen at initially but on the long run it becomes... boring. It's like too much crême fraiche: it could be surprisingly tasty, but after a few times it won't surprise you any longer.

By the way, you've gotta be suspicious of anyone who uses "Jazz At The Pawnshop" to demonstrate a system. Check out "Organic Grooves" by Essence All Stars and "Andrew!!!" by Andrew Hill.
Detlof - How long ago did you hear the offensive Burmester system? I ask because I heard a Burmester system at CES a couple years ago, and it was one of hte most musically engaging systems I heard - very detailed and revealing to be sure, but one of the most non-fatiguing sounds at the show. If anything, it erred on the side of richness in the midbass. I'm wondering if they have had a change of house sound over the years
Honest1, honestly I don't know. When did the pawnshop LP come out? Sometime in the eighties? All I recall was that the Burmester pre was a modular thing, beautifully made, impeccable chrome, perhaps stainless steel, bright and shiny, as was the sound.....Obviously they voice their gear differently now. I've never listend to one of their offerings again.
One of the worst systems I've ever heard was at a guy's house who was a dealer. He'd set up a system in his best room consisting of Edge amp & pre-amp and Wisdom tower speakers. Bright, edgey, and restricted dynamics. On the other hand, TAS has written glowing reviews of this system.
"TAS has written glowing reviews of this system"...

And your point is 1)The dealer hasn't got a clue or, 2)TAS is 'unreliable', or 3) Both?

FWIW, after reading some of TAS's more recent reviews I suspect #3 applies. :-)