@soix “better” cable/s without any technical data to back it up aren’t really “better”!
@westcoastaudiophile Well, I had my $50 Apogee Wyde-Eye professional digital cable in my system for 10 years and was quite happy. The second I plugged the AZ MC2 in my system the soundstage expanded in all directions and tonal properties sounded much more natural and real. If you need measurements to tell you those things rather than using your own ears, well, maybe we’re just on different planes but the Apogee will not be going back into my system. Use measurements if you will, but IME the final arbiter is what your own ears tell you in your own system and room if possible. I highly recommend trying an AZ MC2 digital cable in your system. Buy used and if it doesn’t give you significant improvements just sell it for little/no loss. Just my $0.02 FWIW.