Zavfino Majestic USB Cable

I am planning on upgrading my $50 straightwire usb cable to something under $300 and came across the Zavfino Majestic USB. The specs look great but I can’t find any semi-detailed reviews online besides on their website. 

Has anyone tried this cable? What are your impressions? Thanks! 

@soix “better” cable/s without any technical data to back it up aren’t really “better”! 

@westcoastaudiophile Well, I had my $50 Apogee Wyde-Eye professional digital cable in my system for 10 years and was quite happy.  The second I plugged the AZ MC2 in my system the soundstage expanded in all directions and tonal properties sounded much more natural and real. If you need measurements to tell you those things rather than using your own ears, well, maybe we’re just on different planes but the Apogee will not be going back into my system.  Use measurements if you will, but IME the final arbiter is what your own ears tell you in your own system and room if possible.  I highly recommend trying an AZ MC2 digital cable in your system.  Buy used and if it doesn’t give you significant improvements just sell it for little/no loss.  Just my $0.02 FWIW. 

Use measurements if you will, but IME the final arbiter is what your own ears tell you in your own system

With all due respect, this has nothing to do with listening. Or measuring. They measure nothing. They just read about measuring on the internet.

From my experience dealing with these folks, more often than not, these folks don’t even have a stereo system at home (other than an Alexa style speaker, AirPods, or car audio). And often they don’t even like music. They just like to play the audiophile in the audio forums. So you are just wasting your time. Me too, but I kinda of like it, it’s a good exercise is psychology and human behavior

@thyname for digital interconnects I choose cables with best EM shielding 90dB+, lowest diff-common mode conversion, common mode filter, lowest Tx-Rx crosstalk,  freq. dispersion, and lowest insertion loss at least at 6th clock frequency harmonics. typ shorter cable is better.