dogberry, No one, least of all me, is dismissing full range ESLs. That’s exactly what I listen to in one of my two systems, Sound Lab 845PXs, with no subwoofer. One reason for no subwoofer is my disinclination to clutter up the listening room any further, since it is also our living room where we entertain guests after dinner in the adjoining dining room. Three turntables, front end electronics, the huge 845PXs, and two large monoblock Atma-sphere chassis’ are enough. Other reasons for no subwoof, related to the first, are my own cheapskate nature, the wonderful deep bass I get from the panels with no augmentation, and the fact that I believe I would have to spend quite a lot of money to find a subwoof that can keep up with and blend with an ESL. However, I do not argue with those two guys who describe the putative benefits of a subwoof. In principle, they are correct. However, I take exception to Mijo's endorsing Doppler Distortion as a compelling mechanism for crossing over at a relatively high frequency (100Hz or higher). Because I doubt "Doppler Distortion", which is a real thing but not really due to the Doppler Effect, is much of a factor with a huge planar speaker that has a much shorter excursion than does a dynamic speaker and spreads the frequencies among a myriad of unitary panels of different sizes so as to distribute resonance.
Jonwolf, I heard the Volti Audio Rivals at the Capital Audiofest. I thought they were excellent, far better than many much more expensive speakers that I heard at the show. In fact, in many ways I thought they were better than the older big brother Volti speakers at $20K, which were owned by my neighbor and which I heard at length at his house. Good choice.