For Vandersteen owners & lovers: Which other brands do you like?

If you didn’t own Vandersteens, what would you own instead and why? Or, if you switched to another brand what did you choose?

First, let me say that I am a Vandersteen owner for 20+ years, now on my 2nd pair of the 2CE, the Signature III. I have owned other brands, and heard many others and even liked some. 😀 I don’t change gear frequently once I settle on something. Lazy & frugal = me.

I am on the verge of being on the verge of getting the Vandy Treo CT. I have auditioned them at length. I have also heard the Quatro CT and if budget allowed (including upgrading my front end) I would get them for sure. I’m not a fanboy—there is a reason why Vandersteen has sold something like 100K pairs of the 2CE. They sound very good and all of their models are a real bargain/value in their category, imo.

I have heard and liked, for different reasons, Maggies, Magicos, Harbeths, Focals, Linkwitz-Riley, and other brands. Others that I have not heard intrigue me too. I keep circling back to Vandys—maybe it’s what I have known the longest. I have flirted with the Larsen 8 or 9, which is a totally different design (AbSound has reviewed them well), and also the MBL 120 and 126 (omnidirectionals).

I know I could be happy for life with Vandersteens (Treo, Quatro, or dreaming—the Kento or 7). I am interested in detailed opinions of alternatives in the $10K range though. Thanks!


There are other sub manufacturers out there, but Vandersteen subs have shown they will work for decades without issue.

Now if I can only manage to last for another decade or two. 😳 If I get new Treo CTs at my age (65) I'll write them into my will. 


Patrick , man given how sweet Dylan is sounding this eve on Treo CT…i would add a no foul play clause in that will…. just saying….. don’t incentivize  …

I’m a fan of the Vandersteen sound as well. I like them with ARC or Ayre amps. I spent years with B&W culminating in the 801 Matrix series 3, then on to Genesis 500 and ProAc Response floorstanders, then auditioned Vandy Treos and Quattros but by the time I was ready to buy my dealer had retired and I ended up with Audio Physic Avantera+ from the one remaining dealer in my area. I don’t know if there’s a detectable pattern in my listening preferences from this journey but I’ve always thought I am a fan of what used to be called “the British sound.” I also have always loved Ayre equipment with all of my speakers.