Do Streamer only devices really impact sound quality?

From a layman mindset, a streamer transmits electronic information to a dac via coaxial cable or other connection. The electronic information I believe is standardized for all streamers. That said, the streamer itself could not influence the sound quality heard by the audience. I think it is bit-perfect information coming across to the dac. 

So for instance a Bluesound 2i   vs  Cambridge CXN V2 streamer should sound identical with the same connections and equipment used and of course same streaming service and content.


thoughts appreciated if I have this correct?  


Not sure what to make of that title.  I suppose Darko might be saying that the SBT was a relatively affordable engineering marvel, not that it's the best-sounding such device ever made, regardless of price. The same might be said of the latest Bluesound Node. But the Node is not only a streamer/file-player, it's also a DAC.  It can be used for volume-control, too. I've seen reports that it's quite good when used only as a streamer (feeding digital output to a downstream DAC).  If that is our baseline, how much SQ improvement can one expect by switching to a much more expensive stand-alone streamer (such as the Auralic Aries G2.1)?


But the Node is not only a streamer/file-player, it’s also a DAC. It can be used for volume-control, too. I’ve seen reports that it’s quite good when used only as a streamer (feeding digital output to a downstream DAC). If that is our baseline, how much SQ improvement can one expect by switching to a much more expensive stand-alone streamer (such as the Auralic Aries G2.1)?

@tk21 A ton of improvement is possible. Reports that the Node is “quite good” should not be inferred to mean that it’s anywhere near even not much more expensive alternatives. Example, an Innuos Mini Mk3 with LPS power supply upgrade is near the upscale Zen Mk3 in performance (and no one would put the Node, even with upgraded power supply on the level of the Zen Mk3), and even its DAC does a very good job with the LPS. Innuos has trickled down tech from its upper models that the Node can’t match even with an external power supply, and the Zen Mini will scale up much better if/when you upgrade to a better DAC. Yes, it costs a bit more, but you’re also getting a lot more. Underestimate the role/impact of a streamer at your peril.  Here’s Darko’s review of the Zen Mini both with and without the upgraded external power supply and with/without its internal DAC FWIW…


NO! I guarantee my 179 dollar grace digital streamer sounds identical to a big buck over priced streamer in a blind test. It's all bull to sell you something you do not need.

For me, swapping out streamers was one of the biggest improvements I've had with my stereo system. I recently upgraded my amp for something 1k more expensive, and it didn't make as big a difference. Here's my streamer post: