Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused

17 of 23 speakers in my studio and home theater systems are internally powered. My studio system is all Genelec and sounds very accurate. I know the best new concert and studio speakers are internally powered there are great technical reasons to design a speaker and an amp synergistically, this concept is much more important to sound quality than the vibration systems we often buy. How can an audiophile justify a vibration system of any sort with this in mind.

jerryg123 your post reminds me of a continual conversation with a friend who worked at a vintage guitar store. This guy knows practically every guitar setup for every band you can imagine, he sells rare guitars to very rich musicians all the time. I would always argue with him saying how do you justify selling a 100k guitar to someone then run it through some raunchy guitar amp and still live with yourself. He would say it’s rock n roll man. I knew what he meant but that answer doesn’t square with buying a 100k vintage guitar for its amazing sound. That’s where super cool 2 channel systems in our world are the same they are not accurate but they sound super cool.


We need to understand psychoacoustics and the huge placebo effect that we experience in the audiophile community.

This represents YOUR perception which is fine, do you have anything published about this "placebo" effect? As for psychoacoustics do you have any creds?

Technobabble begets techno babble, claims can be linked to research. What links can you share to back this up?

with a friend who worked at a vintage guitar store. 

I hope this isn't your "research", then again I wouldn't be surprised if you were taken in by the "halo" effect...LOL.

@donavabdear I also have vintage  guitar amps  Vox Essex, Marshall Plexi, and a Fender Twin Reverb, I am still a hack.

Love the tube sound and that will always keep me away from powered speakers for my home system's . 


I suspect you know a lot about psychoacoustics and audio placebo effects. I started in acoustics, went to live sound then movie sound in my career all the while studying physics. I can't imaging people spending hundreds of thousands on sound equipment that don't know anything about the psychological effects of sound. Just google it. 

I've seen how musicians listen back to their vocals and obsess about things that aren't there I've apologized to directors about how bad the sound was and they had no Idea what I was talking about one director told me the sound was great he told me he just told a producer  "this is a fabulous recording it's going on the album for the movie". I also set up sound for Milli Vanilli, I didn't know it was all fake the sound system was real. One of the singers twisted his ankle and ran off stage where I was there was panic everywhere and the singer (I don't remember which one) wen't back on stage and just didn't jump around as much. No one could tell they were faking it, but when you see their performances today it is obvious they were.