Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused

17 of 23 speakers in my studio and home theater systems are internally powered. My studio system is all Genelec and sounds very accurate. I know the best new concert and studio speakers are internally powered there are great technical reasons to design a speaker and an amp synergistically, this concept is much more important to sound quality than the vibration systems we often buy. How can an audiophile justify a vibration system of any sort with this in mind.


In my admittedly limited experience,  I haven’t run across any active powered speakers with internal tube amplifiers; it would seem to make little sense to create such things.  

I don’t think I would enjoy the OP’s system as much as he seems to, and he probably wouldn’t enjoy mine very much.  We’re using different criteria for what sounds best for reproducing recorded music at home. 

On my 2 channel and home theater system I us the Paradigm 9hs. I was so disappointed with their bass output, I have PS Audio BHK 300 Mono amps that are part tube and part mosfet. I had to add 2 subs to make the speakers sound better. Ironic but the 9Hs have a fairly big low frequency amp built into the cabinets and to me the low frequency is sickly, the high and mid frequencies are wonderful so now I'm more than happy with my 2ch system, it was very difficult to time align the extra subs because of the electronics in the 9hs.

I'll post a picture of my stereo room and my film mixing studio tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving.

["A political refugee from Souther California"]? It's easy to vote in California. Our vehicle emissions, women's rights and firearm regulations are slightly different here. Were you a liberal in Orange County or conservative in Topanga? Whatever, as a native Californian I'm thrilled that your decision to leave has made you happy. 

Wednesday the 23d it was a sunny 71, water is 63 with a glassy chest high swell at Swami's this morning. I rode the big Yater in my spring suit while the first snow blankets the Sierra. 

My audio mentor monitored his collection of modified microphones and preamps until his passing with those old green Koss 4AA's, repugnant of most studio setups. In demand for almost sixty years and three Grammies. For playback he liked his Duntech Senators, MFA and Wavestream electronics, Cardas and Canare cable in bulk most everything modified.  

Where would we be if everyone listened to one individuals notion of correct? After today's ProTools, plug in's and post production fidelity isn't exactly the goal it once was.

Today I'll think of you as I peel the cowboy sized potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner. Keep warm.


Sorry for the dumb question but how do I set up my "virtual system" on Audiogon? I have some pictures of my room also.