Power conditioner vs use of a audio grade outlet?

If I have a $7000 Power conditioner and really nice power cables is there a need for audio grade outlet? Maybe it's a dumb question but if I didn't have this other good stuff maybe I should get an audio grade outlet.

Pangea seems to offer a good outlet for about 100 bucks. 


The small upgrades are additive. With the tiny cost involved a high end outlet is a no brained. 

I have a Saturn 103C conditioner, that was an amazing upgrade in itself. I have all Wire Work silver electra 7 power cables. The icing on the cake was a dedicated 20 amp circuit with a Cardas Audio 4181US wall outlet. Best money I ever spent. You will hear the difference.

Yes, you definitely want a good wall outlet. There are various options available. Hopefully, a dedicated circuit going to that outlet.

I like to follow the NEC and that gets violated a lot by audiophiles. 😂 I'm going to recommend you a solution that not only has a death grip, but costs < $50 and meets all the NEC and UL requirements you can think of.

Outlets in homes must be tamper resistant, and that usually means a Commercial/Residential grade outlet OR if you are lucky, Hospital Grade / Tamper Resistant. I’ve yet to come across any of the so-called audio outlets which meet this requirement. Here is an affordable one that does:


Also, I’ve found it’s not just the outlet, but the plug. I recently substituted a hospital grade plug (perfectly acceptable for homes) and my goddess, the grip the combination of outlet and plug have now. I used this one because I needed a 90 degree plug to keep the cabling flat to the wall, but similar units would work too:

