Sooloos music server: Anyone hear, anyone a dealer

Seems like the unit got some rave reviews at CES this year. According to Stereophile, they changed their pricing strategy on the storage AND they release a few more products like a micro control and micro source unit.
Would love to hear what people think, if they heard it and also what the skinny is on the new hardware.


Chris Jones
Just to follow up...I did get to hear a Sooloos running a rather high end system at THE Show (sorry, I can't remember the name of the gear) play some familiar material and the sound quality was easily as good as what you would get from a normal coax digital out on a better than average sound card like an M-Audio or higher into a good D/A.

I agree that listing the jitter at less than 1 nanosecond is as silly as listing my height as less than 100 feet, but from what I heard, it is in a respectable range which is obviously less than 1 nanosecond.

And while I also agree that the unit is very expensive, I cannot imagine a better GUI or touch screen. Nothing I have ever seen comes close. The best off the shelf (now free) software I know of is J. River, and it's nowhere near as nice as this. The Sooloos GUI fills nearly the entire screen with your album artwork sorted by Artist, Genre, or whatever, and makes you feel like you are flipping through your actual CD or LP collection. To me it is the antithesis of "Amazon" or the typical cluttered text-based GUI. Their touch panel is also the first I have experienced to not seem to show any fingerprints even though hundreds, if not thousands, of people had touched the screen with their greasy fingers. And the response time was instantaneous. I guess these things are all in the eye of the beholder.

Yes, very expensive though.
i am a dealer you might want to try the qsonix I have several for sale that are b stock and have more features than the sooloos. This paired with a msb dac will provide you with the best digital sound you can get at any price
Hey all...I actually own a Sooloos system with 2 terabyte capacity. The attraction is basically interface, ease of use, capacity (with back up as well), touch screen, et etc...its simply the best there is. Building your own PC based system is fine but for those like me its a huge headache and note book based systems do not give terabyte capacity...which is important for the likes of me who have thousands of CDs and expect them to grow continually (& want to record in lossless quality). To be sure there are solutions around this.....

As for sound quality, best to use an external dac. I have mine connected in my home theatre/music combo system in the living room....connected to my McIntosh pre-pro, though I am considering inserting a better external DAC.

Two things which are not mentioned above which I find very valuable

1. The interface is so easy, the screen big enough, and given the LAN connection to the server u can have the screen pretty much right nxt to you sit...all this convenience leads to re-discovering your music library. Music servers, PCs etc all have this but the market leading ase of use make this even more inviting for investigation etc.

2. Its so easy to use and touch screen is such a complete hook that anyone uses it. Everyone in the family enjoys and when I have guest over, everyone ends up trying to putting their own favorties in the playing que. Just a LOT iof FUN.
There were two other servers at CES and THE Show that I thought were better and cheaper than the Sooloos. They were the Exemplar and Blue Smoke. The Exemplar uses a wireless tablet touch screen but, as shown, did not use the available cover art as the designer wanted to hold down as much as possible on the use of the processor. Nevertheless, if you want it you can just down load it from the internet. The Blue Smoke was showing cover art of what was playing. I never saw any more display than that, but they were selecting from a tablet also.

There is no reason why you could not have 1 terabyte drives in the Exemplar which was using .75 terabyte drives. The Blue Smoke had a wireless 4 terabyte drive sitting across the room.

I heard several servers at the show but these two were the best. I ordered an Exemplar. It was being used both in the LSA and FIM suites.
Anyone know how much the Exemplar or the Blue Smoke servier costs? Or where to get more info?