Dynamics have more or less become the word and trait verboten in hi-fi, because coming down to it most hi-fi systems aren’t capable of delivering anywhere near realistic dynamics,
My point in highlighting this listener was that while there are systems that can produce great dynamics, there are also those who exaggerate everything. Imagine a HT system where the subwoofer is so high that a human footstep sounds like a T-Rex. Music in real life never makes me jump. If a system is making me jump on every track it’s probably not realistic. Of course some of this is a matter of perspective, literally. As a listener at a jazz club I will probably never hear the sound of the reeds vibrating the same way as a player on stage will. Same for drums and cymbals. If you are used to being on the stage your view of normal is going to be different than a listener.
There are also systems which always make their presence known. Others that vanish and get out of the way.
Personally I am not a musician, my perspective and system choices are for the back of the hall, closer to the bar. 😁