Sooloos music server: Anyone hear, anyone a dealer

Seems like the unit got some rave reviews at CES this year. According to Stereophile, they changed their pricing strategy on the storage AND they release a few more products like a micro control and micro source unit.
Would love to hear what people think, if they heard it and also what the skinny is on the new hardware.


Chris Jones
Henryhk, I don't think the Memory Player is intended to just be a cd player, but I don't know whether it will allow larger than the .5 terabyte drives they originally offered. I suspect you are right about using an external dac for noise reasons. The Memory Player is to have an external dac. I am not convinced that the Sooloos is as good as either the Exemplar or Blue Smoke. I certainly did not hear otherwise at CES.
VRS and the Memory Player both have the same capabilities as the Sooloos.

No they don't. NOTHING I have seen has the same capabilities as the Sooloos in terms of the quality of the touchscreen and the GUI.

VRS has a website that is basically down and they were using J. River Media software previously (available for free to anyone)...not anywhere near as cool as the Sooloos. And the memory player seems even less like it.
Davemitchell, I guess I am more interested in the sound and the ease of selecting what I want, especially if the processor's activity interferes with the sound.
Hi All,
I have a Blue Smoke server on order. It was put together by a local dealer, Ron Laporte at Ultimate Audio in Deerfield , Illinois. They recommend a mid-level DAC by MSB. I'll let you know in a couple of weeks how it is.

David Shapiro
David, I heard it with the MSB. It sounded great.

Ask Ron if he is from ND and went to IIT in Chicago.