Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps

Question newbie on tube amps, why are tube amps according to people who own them say the sound is more say romantic sound vs SS amp ? 

What is better to own cost wise sound advantage single ended and push pull ?

Thanks guys excuse my inexperience on the tube issue.


The advantage of tubes.








1. When you have a sound change because of worn drivers or outputs you pop in a new tube and presto, like a new amp. 

2. You can change the sound for your new speakers by changing tubes. For me trading out the EL34s for KT77s was a large improvement in sound. 

3. The tube preamp tubes can also change the sound as well to taylor and component matching.

Tube vs transistor sound is personal taste as far as what you like in sound and the differences between them. Both are great depending on how it is matched with the components you have. Enjoy both!

SS amps have come a long way in the new $1K and higher cost designs. However, the right tubes can play with an immediate sound that isextremely open and just great. I never heard a SS amp quite as good in this respect. But, most tube sound is accomplished in the tube preamp section and I would be ok with a tube preamp and SS power amp.

You don't have to understand how a tube works to know if you like-em. No solid state device can sound like a tube for audio. But if you can combine tubes with solid state, you get the best of both worlds, nothing new about this design. One of my amps uses a triode tube on the input and power mosfets in the output stage. It sounds magnificent to say the least, with a full midrange. When I remove my ss amp and install the hybrid, its like day and night, and the enjoyment level goes way up.