Is it worth upgrading a CD player?

I’ve had my Marantz CD6002 for around 14 years and it’s still going strong. I have it connected to an Audiolab M-DAC+ and play via my Rega amp. I’m mostly vinyl but have started to playvmy CD’s more recently and wondered whether upgrading the CD player would be worth it or not, given the fact it’s played via a dedicated DAC. Am I right in thinking there would be little noticeable improvement?


In my opinion, if you have a large collection of CDs, then yes! I would upgrade. Something to consider is to burn to something like a bluesound HD or innuous HD burner player if you have the $$$$$$. The burners sound really nice and you have all your CDs at your finger tips. You should get a good DAC in my opinion. My DAC is half the cost of the HD burner /player.

How much time will it take to upload 7,000 CDs?   That maybe the bigger issue.

My best friend is interested in purchasing the best sounding CD player for under $4,000.  He considered the Luxman 03X and now the Bryston CDP3.  The latter has a similar or same drive as the Project and the other aforementioned high end CDP from StreamUnlimited.  It is also a CD only dedicated player.  Has anyone heard this player?  He is friends with a Bryston dealer and can buy it for 40% off.  


could you provide a link? I didn’t know that Bryston had a top loader CD transport. I see their BCD-3 dedicated tray mechanism transport. The Stream Unlimited CD Pro-8 drive is a top loading unit. If Bryston has adapted this, that’s terrific news!