Just like we know that while sight varies among humans, no one is seeing X-rays!
As usual, you science guys always go to the extreme. Looks like life for you is digital - 0 or 1. Based on your "vision" example, look up "Veronica Seider" and her Guinness Book record. She was a normal human having super-eye. Normal eyes have visual acuity of 20/20 while Veronica’s acuity was around 20/2. She could easily distinguish people from as far as 1 mile. And before you call out, below is the link from Fact or Hoax
My point is - many people struggle at 20 feet with average vision. And yet there are individuals who have this extraordinary ability. So think about it - from 20 feet (should be 10 feet or less for people with real eye issues) to 1 mile is the variation when it comes to sight. Before you say - that is only one person - I would say - the earth's population is appox 8 Billion. And not every single person is aware of Guinness records or has time or inclination to come out with what their vision is, etc etc.
So us normal being are saying that no humans can do bat hearing. We agree with the super minds at ASR. But how difficult is it for the super intelligent beings at ASR to understand that there are people whose hearing could be so much better than people who cannot hear the difference in sound quality. You cannot measure this variation because there is currently no instrument to measure it.
No one is denying the research that Floyd Toole, Sean Olive and others have done. Does advancement in science stop there? We cannot be blind to the fact that as humans progress more research will discover things that we currently do not know. Current state-of-the-art will probably be stale in a few decades. That is the whole gist about being scientific - understand the "how to" and advance.In that sense this forum seems to be open minded about future possibility, while the scientific community seems to be harp on the notion that all that is to know about human hearing is researched and everyone is on par no more,no less.
It amuses me that in every debate you guys state about "X-ray vision" or "bat hearing". Need to get real.