One dedicated circuit for each mono block?

If I have a dedicated 20 amp Circuit is that ok for two monoblocs? I read that a separate dedicated line is better for each amplifier. So the outlet can't have two plugs but it's better to not use one of the two plugs when connecting a mono block?

I have a transparent Power isolator which I know use to plug amps into.

So maybe a dedicated circuit can be used to plug amps directly into and then have Power isolator connected to a separate Circuit for everything else.

I am trying to evaluate the merits and to need for getting a second dedicated line while installing the first.


You are right, @dpop  , I didn't know anything at all about houses back then so I didn't really know what to ask & I cannot blame the home inspector for my knowledge deficit.  I did get a report from him and a lot of that stuff may be in the report . . . if I looked hard enough, I could probably still find it.  And a lot of the electrical stuff that I have learned since (mostly quite recently) I only learned because of my interest in my system (which only started evolving in probably '94 or so).   If it hadn't have been for that, I'd probably still have the original fuse box.

+1 @mesch 

I read that doing it any other way may cause a ground loop fault. Plug everything into one outlet. Please look at what Eric said also. 

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