I agree that a custom mint is an easy and accurate protractor. It has to be custom made, and you must know the precise spindle to pivot distance. I don't know if I would rely on the turntable manufacturer having precisely drilled the hole for the arm and I would therefore do a measurement. Unfortunately, a really good measurement device for doing this is not easy to come by (the SmarTractor includes such a precise measurement device). I think the mirrored surface of the mint is quite easy to use to properly align one's eye to do the reading (same thing as the SmarTractor and the Wally Tractor, but, for some reason I've heard of complaints about difficulty in reading the Mint (I don't know what this is about).
All of these alignment tools are best used with some sort of low powered magnifier to more easily see the point where the stylus touches down and to see how the cantilever aligns with the line inscribed in the protractor. It also helps to have a decent directional light source.
The Mint is also MUCH cheaper than the SmarTractor or the Wally Tractor.