Zavfino OCC SILVER DART 1.5 power cable

Hi .

i am looking at  Zavfino OCC SILVER DART 1.5 power cable. The specs look great but I have no experience with this brand .

Has anyone tried this cable and what are your impressions ?  With which (perhaps more expensive competition) can it be compared ?




While you await feedback, here is the most relevant thread on Zavfino cables. I would reach out to Raymond at zavfinousa to see if he’s got any demo pc for your in-home audition.

Good luck!

Post removed 

@cleeds +2. Jason Bourne (angry looking dude with oversized sunglasses) has a habit of polluting all cable threads by being the first comment in every single one of them. Don’t mind him. Mental issue.

@ortodox : there is a lot of info and users’ impressions on the thread (link posted by Lalit above):