Denafrips 12 anniversary

I have heard Denafrips new 12 th anniversary Terminator+ 

it is $1000 more ,and just slightly better a bit warmer and slightly more refined in detail , then the previous + another guy in are multi state audio club the The terminator 12 anniversary and compared to the T2/ and price only $300 more  this is a far better deal the 12+ anniversary now $7500 Waay overpriced it is 98% thesame as the regular terminator2 ,12 anniversary .

you can buy the HoloSprings May KTE for under $6k 

the Terminator2-12 anniversary is by far the best bargain out there and being under $5k. A Best Buy , I would have  bought the + dac if it just went up $3-400 like it’s sibling ,a bit greedy ,and the Steve huff  review ,almost a carbon copy of the previous + dac review it’s your $$ just our viewpoint from a value ,performance perspective.


While I agree that the price of the Denafrips 12th Anniv Terminator Plus is a little over the top, I don’t understand why people think it’s greed. Since when did greed in a free market economy become a bad thing? The right price for anything in the free market is what the customer is willing to pay based only on supply and demand.

Apparently, a lot of customers are happily paying $6.5K for the regular Terminator Plus. Not only that, customers are willing to pay top dollar for even used Denafrips units. What does that tell us about the quality and reputation of this company.

Or are we saying that only manufacturers in the western world have the right to charge exorbitant amounts for their gear (most of which is made in China anyways)? Didn’t realize only certain countries have the right to make high profits.

$6500 - $ 7500 ?   That is egregious,  especially for what it cost them to build.  It’s the definition of greed 

@jjss49  I agree with your two previous posts.  Generalization and bashing of Chinese products and MAGA individuals does nothing for the real conversation which should be is the new edition really worth the cost.  DAC's are different and varied in topology, sonics and individual listening satisfaction.  I personally have a Terminator+ that I purchased over a year ago and it is a wonderful, dynamic and detailed DAC with connection flexibility.  The build quality isn't cheap by ANY standards, and I believe I received great value and listening satisfaction.  Some listeners prefer the Delta/Sigma type DAC's while others prefer the R-2R's and no up-sampling or digital filtering.  If this same DAC was built in the U.S., it would probably cost at least 3X as much or more.  There are thousands of Denafrips DAC's out there and the noise level on they're being inferior in build, sonics or reliability quality to my knowledge just isn't there. Let's keep our discussions to comparing costs against measurable parameters or value, and not where the product is made.  

“Not saying anything is junk? said it was garbage if we are being got called out and now your trying to back track on all the foolishness you wrote..”


Missiongoonery…. I never said that, read the post. I quoted someone.  


Yeah, the greed monster is taking over. I’d hold out for the special limited edition 9/999 with gold knobs, personally signed by Metallica or whoever.

Confucius say "When no selly put up pricey".


What an absolutely ridiculous post from someone who clearly knows not what he’s talking about. ’The greed monster’. Anyone who’s ever run a business or come up with an idea how to make something better would never characterize someone making a profit as ’the greed monster’, especially when they’re, realistically speaking, from the greediest, most of the taxed and most grossly overfed country in the world.

And that little WW II ’no ticky no shirty’ thing clearly shows we’re dealing with a real ’superior’ and worldly thinker.