Linear power supply

Afternoon: I have been looking at various LPS for my Project RS2T transport. I'm currently using the included switching supply that sounds great. Very impressed with the Project units SOUND! WOW! 

Currently looking at the following units: Linear Tube Audio in MD their LPS, prices for the units I'm looking at are all pretty close to one another.    The next is the Fedelizer Nickola2, I forget where, overseas, and the Plixir Elite BDC unit, I believe in the Philippines. Two of the units were reviewed on a site called audio bacon and received good reviews and the other the Linear tube Audio was not. I have since spoken to Nickolas at LTA and he mentioned they are a small 10 man business and somehow may have been overlooked, They have gotten very good reviews never the less.    Charles one Dad and lpretiring (Comment on this site regularly, and are very knowledgeable ) that own the Fedelizer units have nothing but great things to say about their units,

Just wondering if anyone out there missed the discussions on the Project RS2T unit and LPS .  Just hoping someone has the Linear Tube Audio piece and can comment on its merits.   Sorry to be so windy,  Robert TN   Any other opinions are welcomed. Thanks



I have a Project Stream Box S2 Ultra. A wonderful piece. They say no benefit adding a linear power supply due to John Westlake's design. 

Almost certainly going to get a Plixir Elite BDC Dual. Have space limitations. Would feed my network switch and external clock. Also looked at a Pura Dodo as a slightly cheaper option. Advantage with the Dodo (??) is you can have two different voltage values.

The benefit of the Ferrum Hypsos is that you can change the voltage depending on need. Is more expensive though.


jerry bj, thanks for the post. My project RS2T transport requires a 20v  and 3 amp power supply. The plixer elite unit offers several choices none of which exactly matches the Projects requirements. So until I can confirm whether I can use close or exact voltages I will continue to look for those answers. Thanks again, hope this makes sense. Robert  Have a good weekend.

@robshaw , I have the LTA LPS paired with the Pro-Ject RS2 CD Box T.  It is a noticeable improvement over the stock unit.  I’m very happy with it. But I can’t compare it to other LPS, because I haven’t heard any of the others.  You might check Terry’s Stereo Times review for more on the pairing. I recall he also found the LTA LPS to substantially improve the sound.  There’s a thread he initiated here on the Pro-Ject, as well.  I realize you may already have made a choice.  Sorry I didn’t see your info request earlier.  Cheers.