@milpai the vibe here is pretty weird at times, I am here to learn but I am in my disillusioned phase right now. When I see that people have a list of components that cost more than I spent on cars, combined in my entire adult life and the same people rave about junk music (to my taste) I feel confused.
The way I see it: if you love music, you won’t be obsessed with gear, because music is perfectly and fully enjoyable with decent $200 desktop speakers, playing from youtube. You will be obsessed with gear for a lot of other reasons. I find myself being obsessed with the quality of the sound (more or less in a bubble) but my joy of listening isn’t all that different. With a metaphor, imagine that you love playing soccer but your main focus is not playing but finding the best shoes. Great shoes will be significantly better than flip-flops but most people play in $60 sneakers, happily...