Holmz, just buy the SOTA Eclipse package complete. Does it occur to you that the question “ where do I buy a DIY platter and bearing?” Is internally an oxymoron, since DIY implies you want to make those items yourself.
I got the motor package and all the stuff.
Now will be getting the bearing for the existing table.
This bearing I am looking for, is for the left over bits… arm, cart, old motor…
If I could get a Clear Audio magnet bearing assembly, that would be ideal and I could make a plinth and have a second deck.
…Well it would be a plinth and then a platter to go onto the spindle/bearing assembly.
Add P'holz to add to the management of energy transfer, well I wish I present to see your expression at the first Album Reply with the new designs in use.
No Panzerholz that I could find available in Australia, and the places in the US sell it by the 4’x8’ sheet.
I’ll try a router forum, and see if some others have off cuts or want to get parts of sheets.
Basically I need one piece, or a couple of pieces, that are closer to the size.