Making a list...

1. RedBook CD



4. Ripped version of each above saved in a NAS

5. Streamed version of #s 1,2,3


List these in order of SQ 


On my system it would be minus the NAS as my SS drive is in a Uniti Core rip/serve. Otherwise- 4 (ripped =best),  1,2,3 would be fairly equal, streamed last.

Quit playing cd's years ago as ripped cd's had better sound quality even all those years ago, my streaming setup has only become far better in intervening years.

Streams and rips are so close in sound quality, mastering of each is the criteria by which judgments made these days.

Lose the NAS, I did.

And there is no reason for me not to rip my own.

I do not wish for any streaming as I already have it.