Mid-fi tube vs high-end SS

Hello everyone. I am new here but not new to audio. I’ve been meaning to buy a high-end permanent SS amp for 2 years now. But not sure how much improvement I can get.


A little about what I have. I use a high-quality tube amp I bought for around $1,500. 55 watts per channel Class A. With upgraded tubes it’s a little over $2,000. The amp I have is the Musical Paradise mp-501 I’ll link below. Using upgraded Kt-170 tubes along with some nos 5693 red tubes and 717-a tubes.


My audio knowledge and listen ability has improved substantially these past few years thanks partly to this tube amp. Sorry for the long-winded intro. My actual question is, how much improvement should I expect going from this tube amp to something high-end SS like the Gato 150 and the incredible DVA M225? Very little reviews on the Gatos, I’m hoping I could get some help here, even anything about the Gato 150 from users would be helpful. Ty




First off, I can't help on the specific amps you have and are considering.  That said, I think it would help you get some informed answers to know what speakers you use, and what you like and don't like about your current setup.

The degree of audio performance improvements with a new solid state amp you are hoping for is entirely dependent on the synergy (or lack of ) with your system as a whole. One new piece in the link may or may not be an improvement.

For example, in a prior system, my buddy asked to borrow my speakers at that prior time ( TOTEM FORESTs) paired with my quality build ss integrated amp . He took them home to test-drive them with his top-end CARY tube amp. 

In short, it was a huge disappointment and a step back in his system as a clear and not insignificant absence of system synergy.

Ignore the pricepoint hyperbole trap,  and rely on your personal audition(s) to drive your selection process. It is impossible to blindly recommend an amp brand or particular model for you with any assurance of an improvement for you, without a direct knowledge and experience with the rest of your system. 

Choose wisely.

"...how much improvement should I expect?"

"Improvement" is probably not the right word.  What you can be sure of is that a solid state amp will sound "different" than your current amp.  Whether or not that will be an improvement is a matter of personal taste. SS amps typically have better control of the bass, but behave differently when they clip (which is one of the reasons for the trend toward high power in SS amps.)  Or, you may find you miss that rich "tube sound" that so many tube aficionados love.

In short, pick a likely SS candidate that is available for a home trial and can be returned if you don't care for it and see what you think.

what efficiency speakers are you using?

contemplating less efficient speakers in the future?

What sound levels, how large a space?

Think 'prefered', not better.

IOW, I would expect to prefer the sound of tubes over sound of SS, unless not enough power.

Another thought is speakers that can be bi-amped, use SS for Bass only, keep tubes for mid/highs