There was a post here a while ago from a psychologist/researcher who aptly collected what I keep trying to say.
A measurement of THD is a measurement of THD. A measurement of frequency response is a measurement of frequency response. To extend those measurements beyond that is not science, it is pseudo science. To take those measurements and discuss "ideal" or the end of all things that can be heard is not science. It is also not science to repeat measurements and rank equipment based on them. That is quality assurance.
It is also not science to lump average human perceptions and claim this is how 1 individual hears.
There is no scientifically agreed to set of measurements which together describe all the human ear/brain is capable of hearing. All we have is a minor number of measurements which are in popular (well, as popular as audio is) culture. I doubt those measurements which Stereophile publishes, are even close to all that is used in modern engineering and development.
As for the rest, caveat emptor, but I won’t hide under the umbrella of science when I’m actually ignorant.