What's your favorite $5-7000 turntable?

Used is ok. I have a Schröder arm that I can either sell or use with the table. Has to be on a wall shelf so no idlers (I already have one waiting for a bigger house!).


If you have a chance, check out the Luxman PD-151MARKII.

Luxman has done a great job building & voicing their turntables the past few years including the earlier PD-151 & PD-171 models.

No tweaking required.

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SL1200G is an interesting suggestion. Have you compared it to a expensive belt drive?

Lots of interesting suggestions but 4 were Kuzma R. I think you have your answer. 😉

Sota Nova Vacuum by a country mile. You can put it anywhere and it could care less. Don't forget to get it with a dust cover. You have to weight your tonearm with cartridge mounted but leave the cable off the scale. Sota will need this weight to make you the right weight tonearm board.