@lewm I think that is a much more likely explanation. Rubber will take a set as you know from car tires. Demagnetization (which we use to do all the time for tape heads) requires use of a demagnetizer. This is a device that generates a very strong magnetic field that oscillates at line frequency changing poles at 60 Hz. You get it close to the tape head wave it around a little and slowly withdraw it from the head. The slowly weakening field oscillating at 60 Hz oscillates its way down to zero and whatever you pointed it at is demagnetized. I am not sure if this works with certain permanent magnets but it would seem to me to be a very dangerous thing to do with a cartridge. I think it is safe to say you are smarter than Stan given your history.
I am going to get the test record if it is still available and record samples for comparison. See what gives.