Joseph Audio: Perspectives and Pearls

There have been several recent threads that have included both of these speaker. However, much of the discussion has focused on the Perspectives, with a number of positive reviews. I am quite interested in hearing them, but am also seriously considering the far more expensive Pearls as well. 


I am wondering if anyone has done a direct comparison or has upgraded from the Perspectives to the Pearls?  I am specifically interested if the Pearls might overwhelm my room (13 X 18 with 9 foot ceilings) which is not a space dedicated to my system (it's my living room.)

Thanks in advance for your experiences with these two speakers. 


Actually the Pearls seemed fairly modest in size and proportion.  Especially for a flagship speaker!   They don't feel dominating at all.  But then, Joseph Audio is known for packing a bigger sound in to smaller speakers.   I can see them fitting in to lots of different rooms without feeling like they are too much. 

I have never done a direct comparison between the Pearls and Perspectives. But I currently own JA Perspective2 speakers. Last year, or perhaps the year before, I went to listen to the Pearls at a local seller's house. The guy was ready to sell them at almost half the retail. I absolutely loved the sound but big boss said no!

My Perspective2's are in a 15x20 room with 12 ft ceilings, and produce a very healthy amount of bass. In fact, some times it seems to get a little too much. I'm adding thicker bass traps and additional paneling for this reason. If the new Pearls have similar bass signature, I suspect the bass might get too much for a 13x18x9 room. They are much bigger when compared side by side with the Perspectives.

The Perspectives fill my room with music and satisfying bass, and honestly, not once have I wished that the sound was bigger or fuller. It's amazing how a speaker with a sleek and relatively small cabinets can produce such a big and immense soundscape.

IMO, as great as the Pearls are, Perspectives are a better fit given the size of your room.

P.S. You didn't mention whether you're looking at the latest version (Perspective2 Graphene) or the older version. I've never heard the older version but from what I understand the new version goes much lower in the frequency range.



Thanks for sharing your experience with the Perspectives. In looking at your system, I noticed that you are running subs in addition to the JAs. I do not have (or plan to get) subs, so that may be a factor in how the Perspectives fit the bill for you. This is not to dispute your thoughts on my room and the Pearls, but it could be a factor. 

I am hoping to hear the latest Perspectives tomorrow or Sunday and will certainly report back. Many thanks as always to this great community. 

So ever since I got the Perspectives I’ve disconnected the subs. Need to put them up for sale soon. If you have good and powerful amp, you don’t need subs with these speakers. 

I have heard the Perspectives at a dealer’s showroom. We initially came for a friend to listen to another pair of speakers and the dealer had us sit and listen to the JA driven by a huge The Gryphon integrated.

Well, I was shocked: easily one of the best sound I’ve heard, and definitely the deepest soundstage EVER (there was a battery solo in the recording, and the battery was like 8 feet behind the speakers, crazy) BUT in that large-ish showroom at what I call moderate levels (comfortable, but less loud that many big systems at audio shows) I could hear the woofers bottoming out on some impulses. That didn’t seem to bother the dealer. I guess the room was a bit too big.