New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:



grislybutter, I must address the stand issue. Mofi is suppose to have some available soon. If they do not, I will find stands. That issue will be resolved one way or the other. 

I believe the stands Mofi is going to use with the Sourcepoint 10 speakers are in this video:

They look sturdy enough.

And, thanks, @gb9746 for your honest first impressions. I thought I'd wait a bit but after reading you and your wife's take on them, I'm now leaning towards not waiting. 😄


All the best,

@thyname , man, are you telling me! A friend messaged me with that video and got me all aflutter again.

All the best,

Copied from an email I received from MoFi regarding the SP 10 stands:

"Hi Gary, thanks for your email and sorry for the delayed response! That is correct – we will offer the matching stands and they are expected to ship in January. They will be $500 for the pair, and are a four pillar stand. We don’t have pictures available of the final design right now, but samples can be seen in the coverage from Capital Audio fest.

 We will also offer a discounted bundle package of the speakers and stands for a total of $3,999 (effectively $200 off). For anybody that is buying the speakers now, we will grandfather in the discount price on the stands when they become available. An alternative we are recommending are the 20-inch Pangea stands which retail for $249."