PS Audio M700 with the Vandersteen 2ci

Hi, I was wondering if anyone used a pair of PS Audio M700 with the Vandersteen 2ci? What I have researched is that the M700 has a class A pre with a class D output.

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I don’t know about the 700 but I ran the s300 which is similar class D design.  I fronted it with a tube Pre and it gave me years of trouble free enjoyment. Ran nice and cool. 

I’m auditioning an Orchard Audio Starkrimson Ultra stereo amp right now with Vandersteen 3a Signatures.  It’s a great pairing.  It’s the first class D amp I’ve ever had in my system and it’s a very good amp.  The amp provides some of he best bass notes I’ve heard in my room and vocals and other instruments sound as good if not better than other amps I have (McCormack DNA-1, Belles monoblocks).  To be honest it just sounds like a good amp.  I’ve read other posts where people talk about class D like it’s such a different sound. That’s not my experience with the Starkrimson Ultra.  Considering how new GanFet tech is, it’s pretty remarkable that it’s this good.  

Have had three pairs of Vandies, driven by a variety of amps. 

They sounded good with everything.

They should sound good with your PS Audio.