Does a higher gauge electrical wire impact voltage level?

Throughout the day the voltage level varies from the power company. Not by much but it's from 110 to 123.  

Does overall voltage level get impacted when higher gauge electrical wires are used from the breaker to the outlet?



Indeed, the voltage is not important to most ss amps.  however, the noise and other things that challenge your amp to produce quality sound also are likely increased with poor voltage supply.

many voltage meters can have a zero offset, but if he is using the same meter for all measurements, he observed spread of 13 volts is probably real.

Tube amps can benefit from constant voltage, some more than others.  My power regenerator provides 119.9 volts 24/7/365 so I never have to think about it.


With respect to variations in volts, aren't all the capacitors in a amplifier designed to mitigate variations in power supply. Ie. Because capacitors store up energy waiting for demands to deal with frequency variations?

I guess An improve power supply via lower gauge electrical wire benefits the overall amplifier function in addition to all those capacitors charged up ready to go, although this relationship is unclear.


poor voltage supply

this has no import w/o a definition. Most all amps handle the given range no problem. The OP didn’t say nothin’ ’bout amps before you did.

There was no measurment protocol mentioned. You are the only one alluding to meters.

BTW I too have a regenerater. Nobody cares.


With most amps able to handle the given range then why is it necessary to deal with Power supply issues related to smaller and larger gauge electrical wires? 

You bought a regenerator so you can have a stable power supply. There appears to be some contradiction herein.

A relative novice chiming in here.

My system is tube amps feeding Klipsch Cornwall 4's. The high efficiency Cornwalls are easily driven by the Primaluna EVO 400's pre and power. Lately, I have been mucking about with vintage Western Electric cloth covered wire with tinned, stranded wires in both 16 gauge and 10 gauge which I have made up into speaker cables. They have supplanted an Audioquest "Castle Rock" bi-wire cable which is articulate but too bright.

Immediately noticeable with the 10 gauge cable is that bass has become deeper and more impactful. However, 10 gauge jumpers to the "High" speaker taps on the Cornwalls presents a high end that is somehow too forced and strident sounding. Therefore I tried using 16 gauge jumpers and found everything pretty well balanced.

My question - is there any potential harm to electronics by mating these two different gauges in one string of speaker cable?