Network Switches


" ... your digital player system can only exert less than 60% of its performance without adding a network switch ... "

Why would that be?


I don’t necessarily concur with ‘double the value part’ but a high quality Ethernet switch in an ultra resolution system definitely enhances the performance of a purpose built audio streamer or server. Its impact is easily audible and addictive. 

@cleeds I won't speculate why, but in terms of musical enjoyment, I would agree 60% is about right.

The switch seems to remove all the digital harshness and nasties so that there is a lot less listener fatigue.

Taiko is now taking pre-orders on their much awaited network switch. The switch comes with 2SFP + ports, either RJ45 or Fiber. It appears Pre-order is only available for existing Taiko Extreme owners.

It appears Taiko prefers RJ45 over Fiber with their switch. 

“I also prefer RJ45 for the switch. The SFP fiber modules consume more power, more power = higher noise. Fiber isolation is irrelevant with this switch.”