Optimal usb implementation requires quality rendering at both streamer and dac. This means usb boards with nice power supplies powered via dedicated power supply and top flight clocks on these boards. Far too many streamers are let down by less than optimal usb implementation, reason why so many find various usb filters and/or separate/dedicated streamers with top flight usb rendering to be of benefit.
I continue to rail against so many off the shelf streamers implementing less than optimal usb rendering, really not that difficult or expensive to do. They could add this as standard or upgrade option for aprox. $1-1.5k. I don't know, perhaps they don't have the capability to do this, The only streamers I'm aware of that offer quality usb rendering are Wadax, Taiko and Aurrender, and Innuos as separate box. Ridiculous IMO, leaving so much potential on the table!