McIntosh MC1.25KW vs Luxman M-10X

Speakers Wilson Audio Alexia V.  MC1.25KW vs M-10X


I heard the Luxman at an audio show and did not care for the sound- very dry.  

I had a very long listening session with the Mac 1.25 KWs (you are talking about the 1200 watt mono blocks, right?, these are serious amplifiers !).  they were driving huge Magico speakers and the sound was not "word of mouth" McIntosh.  The sound was exceptionally transparent and clear with no haze or hesitation.  It was instantaneously dynamic and live and powerful enough to fill a medium sized theater. 

For a large room and difficult to drive speakers these are my best sounding, final word amplifiers- ever.  If you have the cash you won't be disapointed.  

@avanti1960 Magico and Wilson have very different sound characteristics. I can totally see the McIntosh pairing well with the Magico but I doubt these amps are the best you can do for the Wilsons. 
Ideally, if home audition is possible with these different amps, it would settle it once and for all. 

@chauncey what preamp will you be using? I’d go for the same brand preamp and amp unless you use dac as preamp. 

Never heard it. Going to make an assumption here but it’ll most likely be out of place in a system you’re putting together. Like I mentioned above, you might want to consider same brand amp and preamp. Get the best possible synergy. Or carefully mix and match. Take it one step at a time. Speakers, then amp, then preamp, considering your source is up to the task.