Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 




@theaudiotweak  Tom, I still have some nanoflo left over from when Krissy was able to distribute it.  Are you still happy with the improvements.  I was given pause when I learned this application cannot be removed, although I guess the same was true of Total Contact.  Krissy tells me that with an alcohol pad, one could remove the gray vehicle, but the effect was permanent.  I did treat parts of my system and was pleased.  Just got some Nordost Valhalla 2 interconnects and didn't want to take an expensive leap if things have changed with time in your experience.  Thanks.

Hello  Orthomead,

I have no hesitation on applying Nano Flo on every conductive surface. I have treated the internals of my 2 amps, preamp, CD and dac.a portion of the speaker voice coil.I have enough left over to do future components and a brainstorm that may wake me up from a deep sleep. I will treat my daughter's bass rig I bought today after I hear it a few times. Should be interesting treating the pickups on her bass and all around. The nano materials of this product are smaller than any other similar product. Will penetrate the remanates of any previous..All good for me. Tom


Nano- Flo Chris has two AC cables returned by me through an EBay buy and has had them for almost two weeks with no refund nor response to calls or text messages. Retuned with in 10 days of the 30 allotted. Ebay policy is 3 days for a refund 🙈


Reading closer to his return policy it’s one return per family 😳🙄.


Ok send back the $$$ for one and return the 2nd. As of now I don’t trust him to send back the AC cable with his Magic goop on the ends. He accused me of wiping off the goop on the returned cables, not true. 


Buyer  beware,  this guy is not an upright person to do business with. I kept 3 of the 5. When buying from him you’re getting a $25.00 AC cable with magic goop on the connectors but who knows if he applies it or not. Does the magic goop work? Yep but it’s in the hands of a guy who can become another Rick Schulz.


No refund Glory



Cables are in route to Chris and he changes the wording on his EBay ad to one return per family that was never there before when I bought from him on EBay. Cleaver little bugger.


Being raised and having grown up in NY we tend to be outspoken and upfront. Hiding under your bed,Chris, really ticks us Yorker off. Would rather a “F you Glory I am broke and I will pay you off in a few weeks or months but you will be refunded”, would work just fine for us.


Nano-Flo dude wake up and report back to me and answer your blinking phone or return my text messages.